What we do

The Wild Network is a unique and diverse community of people. Together we are working to grow Wild Time.
- The Wild Network is 30,000 mums, dads, guardians, community workers, activists, policy-makers, doctors, care givers, creatives, play-workers and educators. Typically they are deeply engaged with the issues at the heart of our mission – the frontier group of a growing movement seeking to understand the barriers to shifting behaviours and trialling new solutions.
- It is also 2,000 organisations from corporates and NGOs to hundreds of grassroots interventions with interests spanning nature, education, health and play.
Our strength lies in being able to bring the network together; sharing stories of rewilding taking place in communities, families and schools and co-creating solutions to overcome the barriers.
Whether you are a foundation funder, NGO, brand or involved in local/national government you can work with us, harnessing this collective creativity to shift behaviours and create a new normal of a wild childhood for our children and communities.
How would you like to be involved?
Creative Storytelling
We have a track record in using our creative expertise to create new and engaging content. The stories we tell are designed to it help grow the market for Wild Time, inpsiring a deeper connection to the issue.
Community Engagement
We foster deep connections with our community and through this we are constantly able to surface grassroots responses to the issues that can act as inspiration to us all to try different things. We showcase this best-practice with other communities seeking ways to support them to create more Wild Time where they are.
Innovation Labs
On rewilding childhood initiatives we work with the team at Wild Labs to co-create and innovate new solutions, focussing on the areas where provision or awareness of Wild Time is currently low. Together we’ll build new solutions, hacks, interventions over a number of months to make a fundamental shift in behaviour.

Our Impact
Over the last three years we have applied this approach and way of working to a number of projects and programmes for a range of funders and partners. You can read more about the impact our programmes have made here.