The Essence of Wildness

“If a child is always told what they can and can’t do, what you’re telling the child is that they can’t depend on their own judgement, they can’t practice their own opinion, they can’t take the initiative about looking and seeing for themselves about whether something is too unsafe enough to try, or fun enough to take the risk” Jay Griffiths.

When we are asked about our biggest inspirations for our work, its always hard to pinpoint one – there is so much inspiration out there.

But this clip from Project Wild Thing where Jay Griffiths, author and advocate of wildness talks about the very essence of wildness (the word Wild is derived from the word Will) and why its absence could lead to ‘obedient children’ with the kind of unintended consequences that none of us could want.

It is the film we go back to when we need a shot of inspiration for how vital this mission is.

freedom, guidance, jay griffiths, Outdoor Learning, Play, project wild thing, rewilding childhood, roam free, rules, unguarded, wild, wildtime, will