Our mission is to grow

There is a growing understanding that our children need more of it in their lives and that if we design family life, our communities and our schools so that we provide more of it then we can all thrive.
It is this re-design of our life and communities that will lead to the rewilding of childhood.
Over the last few years there has been a building momentum around this idea and we have seen:
- A significant increase in evidence of the physical and emotional benefits of Wild Time.
- Evidence that most (over 90%) of parents understand the value^ and want more of it.
- Policy makers in the UK suggesting they could deliver more*.
- A wealth of grassroots provision in multiple sectors and places.
Despite all of this – there is little evidence that we are seeing levels of Wild Time increasing on a big-picture level.
In order to change this dynamic we need to focus attention on ways to overcome the profound barriers that we have found to be working to prevent all from getting and providing enough Wild Time. They are FEAR, TIME, SPACE and Tech and you can read more about them here.

The Wild Network is a new, wilder way of organising and a different way of taking action, collectively. It is a not-for-profit organisation powered by Wild Labs and Green Lions.
We have created a new form of network, a broad and diverse collection of 30,000 mums, dads, guardians, community workers, activists, policy-makers, doctors, care givers, creatives, play-workers & educators and 2,000 organisations from corporates, to NGOs to hundreds of grassroots interventions with interests across nature, education, health and play.
We bring together our community together through a range of programmes specifically designed to overcome the barriers to Wild Time.

How you can get involved
Become part of our community.
- Sign up to our newsletter and we will send you a bi-weekly email with inspirations and ideas to try and other ways to get involved.
- Check out the interventions we have already co-created with our community, including Project Wild Thing our feature film, Wild Time Learning, our schools product and the Wild Explorers app.
Work with us to create a new intervention
- If you are a brand, funder or NGO looking for new meaningful interventions to grow #wildtime in families, communities and schools then our community is a unique source of inspiration and ideas. We have a track-record in co-creating a range of tools and we can apply this approach to the challenge you are addressing.
- Together we could co-create a large-scale innovation into one of the barriers through a Wild Labs programme. We can create new forms of community engagement to help understand the issues we are trying to solve in new ways. Or we can surface and tell the amazing stories of wildness that already exist in our network.
GET IN TOUCH – [email protected]
^ National Trust ’50 Things’ survey 2016
*National Obesity Strategy, Sporting Strategy, Natural Connections Project